If your ExpandShare instance supports Checklists (it’s an optional feature), then you will see them as a sidebar menu item. Checklists can be picked up and completed by any of your users, including yourself.
Checklist Reporting
After users complete a checklist, then you as a location admin can see information about the completed checklists under Location, from where you can either select Daily Ops or Periodic, which will give you summary information. But if you want to see detailed reporting about checklist completion on a day-to-day basis, then you can see those on the reporting menu. This is accessed by clicking either Daily Ops or Periodic.
Next, select the location you'd like to view the reporting on. Once you have selected your location, you can select which checklist you'd like to view the reporting for. The screen will show all days the checklist has been assigned. For daily ops, this will either be each day of the week, or only the days of the week the checklist is set to be assigned. For Periodic, this will depend on the frequency the checklist is assigned.